Electric Trains
Showing all 15 results

Baldwin Locomotives

Bullet Trains

Calgary’s Electric Transit: An Illustrated History of Electrified Public Transportation in Canada’s Oil Capital

Electric Locomotives

General Electric: Industrial Locomotives 1924-1978

Locomotives: The Modern Diesel & Electric Reference (HC)

Locomotives: The Modern Diesel & Electric Reference (SC)
This remarkable large-format reference is the essential photographic reference to modern North American locomotives. Locomotives covers all mainline models built for North American railroads from the mid-1970s onward, from EMD Dash 2s and GE Dash 7s to the latest 70 Series and Evolution Series models, as well as Green Goats, Gensets and mainline passenger electric-powered locomotives.
Containing nearly 300 photographs of the more than 120 locomotive models from every locomotive manufacturer, this is the definitive reference for the North American rail fan. Greg McDonnell provides concise yet comprehensive information on each model, along with easy-to-read tables of production totals, build dates and mechanical specifications.

Niagara St. Catharines and Toronto Railway: Electric Transit in Canada’s Niagara Peninsula

Pennsylvania Railroad Locomotives Photo Archive: Steam, Diesel & Electric

Quebec Railway Light Power Company: Montmorency Division

Streetcars in the Kootenays: Nelson’s Electric Tramways: 1899 to 1992