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A Guide to the Transport Museums of Great Britain
Jude Garvey Hardcover 240 pages Out of Print. Used. Previous owner’s signature inside.

All-American Truck Stops
From the first Mom & Pop stops to the truck stops built by oil companies, to today's travel plazas and turnpike stations, this is the first in-depth history of America's truck stops as it departed from the gas station and expanded with the Interstate system and prosperity in America. The huge variety of truck stops across America are well documented through vintage black and white and color photographs, as well as vintage advertising and other memorabilia.

Billboard Art
Examines the history of billboards and their reflection of trends in art, advertising, and society.

Bridges: Three Thousand Years of Defying Nature
Few humanmade structures combine the technical with the aesthetic in such an evocative way as bridges. From ancient times to the present, bridges have had a unique attraction on the imagination, eliciting awe, wonder and passion.
Bridges celebrates the stunning technical and artistic achievements in the creation, design, engineering, construction and social history of 100 remarkable bridges. The book reveals the secrets and science of the timeless masonry of imperial Rome, the elegant wooden edifices of ancient Japan and the soaring steel structures of today.
Organized chronologically to follow the stages in the development of bridge engineering and construction, each chapter has an introduction followed by fascinating details.
The vital stats for each bridge include:
- Location
- Date of construction
- Designer
- Construction materials and dimensions.
An account of the creation of each bridge includes the difficulties, hardships and disasters endured as well as the solutions and innovations conceived. Superb color photographs and specially commissioned artwork celebrate these soaring feats of engineering.
The final chapter explores how future bridges will look through examining the latest groundbreaking designs and projects.
Bridges is a magnificently illustrated non-technical reference to fascinating engineering discoveries and innovations.

Broken Wing
A plane crash in the remote bush leads to a rescue by native Indians. What follows is the compelling and sensitive story of a white man's unusual exposure to the Indian culture and his conversion to an activist determined to improve the social malaise imposed upon the native Indians by the white man.

County Roads: Around Ontario with Global Television’s Terry Culbert
Terry Culbert's nose for the good news in everyday life has delighted Global Television viewers for years. Now he has written down his favourite stories of the wonderful people and places he has found around Ontario and beyond. Country Roads is a refreshing reminder that the good life goes on, all around us.
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Original price was: $34.99.$17.99Current price is: $17.99.
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Door to Door: The Magnificent, Maddening, Mysterious World of Transportation
Transportation dominates our daily existence. Thousands, even millions, of miles are embedded in everything we do and touch. We live in a door-to-door universe that works so well most Americans are scarcely aware of it. The grand ballet in which we move ourselves and our stuff is equivalent to building the Great Pyramid, the Hoover Dam, and the Empire State Building all in a day. Every day. And yet, in the one highly visible part of the transportation world, the part we drive, we suffer grinding commutes, a violent death every fifteen minutes, a dire injury every twelve seconds, and crumbling infrastructure.
Now, the way we move ourselves and our stuff is on the brink of great change, as a new mobility revolution upends the car culture that, for better and worse, built modern America. This unfolding revolution will disrupt lives and global trade, transforming our commutes, our vehicles, our cities, our jobs, and every aspect of culture, commerce, and the environment. We are, quite literally, at a fork in the road, though whether it will lead us to Carmageddon or Carmaheaven has yet to be determined.
Using interviews, data and deep exploration of the hidden world of ports, traffic control centers, and the research labs defining our transportation future, acclaimed journalist Edward Humes breaks down the complex movements of humans, goods, and machines as never before, from increasingly car-less citizens to the distance UPS goes to deliver a leopard-printed phone case. Tracking one day in the life of his family in Southern California, Humes uses their commutes, traffic jams, grocery stops, and online shopping excursions as a springboard to explore the paradoxes and challenges inherent in our system. He ultimately makes clear that transportation is one of the few big things we can change; our personal choices do have a profound impact, and that fork in the road is coming up fast.
Door to Door is a fascinating detective story, investigating the worldwide cast of supporting characters and technologies that have enabled us to move from here to there, past, present, and future.

How to Build Your Own Engine Coffee Table
Gergely Bajzath has made a good number of engine coffee tables, and constantly enjoys positive feedback and comments about his work. Now, in 'How to Build your own Engine Coffee Table', he has decided to share his methods and tips with you, so that you can make one of your very own!
Whether in your living room, workshop, den, man cave, or girl shed, an engine coffee table is a great talking point, and is almost guaranteed to become the main topic of conversation when friends visit.
This book shows you everything you need to know to create your very own furniture centrepiece. From the best choice of engine base, to instructions on design and fabrication for appearance and safety. Hand painted finishes are covered, and a dedicated section shows how to safely plan, prepare, and fit a glass top for a serviceable, and safe, end result.
You'll know that you want one of these tables as soon as you see the examples in the book!

IC Engines Vol. 1: Eighteen Unusual Engine Patents from 1881 through 1890
Reprint of publications of the Unites States Patent Office.

IC Engines Vol. 2: Eighteen Unusual Engine Patents from 1880 through 1895
Towards the end of the 1800s the concept of the internal combustion engine was high on the list of things that needed to be invented. During this period a lot of rather strange looking designs were patented. This book is a reprint of eighteen patents issued between 1880 and 1895 by the United States Patent Office. Most of the designs probably never made it so far as to become a running engine. Some of the others have inventors whose names are still recognized, such as Gottlieb Daimler and Rudolf Diesel.

Model Stationary Engines: Their Design and Construction
H. Muncaster Softcover Out of Print. Used.

Muskoka Traditions
Handsomely illustrated, Muskoka Traditions captures the many ways of life that make Ontario's most famous lake district an extraordinary place for generation after generation of residents and cottagers. The first embracing dive of the season. Musky woodland hunts for springtime's wild leeks and mushrooms. Exciting annual regattas and glamorous vintage boat shows. Midsummer memories of big-band nights at Dunn's Pavilion. A tour aboard the majestic Segwun, the oldest commercial vessel in North America. Piloting a sleek mahogany launch along Millionaire's Row. Silent, snowy February days at historic Clevelands House. It's all here in this heartfelt collection of photographs and essays by two of Muskoka's longtime residents.
You will meet boatbuilders and boat collectors, Native artisans and modern painters, farmers and steamboat engineers, owners of rustic cottages and proprietors of top-notch resorts, and explore how pioneer Muskoka became Ontario's cottage country.
With a foreword by Ontario Lieutenant-Governor James Bartleman, this book presents an insider's look at Muskoka's rich history and culture.

Niagara-on-the-Lake: Images of a Town
Profusely illustrated with colour and B&W paintings/drawings showing the history, architecture and life of this charming Southern Ontario town.

Once, to Learn It: A Lighthearted Account of a Fifty Year Adventure in the B.C. Lumber Industry
One man's account of his 50-year career in the British Columbia Lumber Industry.

Ontario’s Secret Landscapes: 50 More Visits to Unusual Ontario
Visit a city of birdhouses, a church in the steeple of another church, a million dollar rock, a little-known canyon full of fossils, the Hell Holes of Roblindale, the Cloud Garden, and many more sites just down the road.

Parry Sound Logging Days
A collection of stories told by the men who worked the white pine logging camps and steam-powered mills of the late 1800s and early 1900s.

Robots: A Superbly Illustrated Analysis of the Robotics Age from Today’s Automated Assembly Lines to The Intelligent Machines of the Future
A look at the high process technology behind the super intelligent mechanical devices in industry with reports on current research being conducted to extend the robot's capabilities.

Roller Coasters
Your ticket to thrills and chills! From wooden classics to wild steel serpentine monsters, this book beautifully captures every coaster from every region of the US. A "thrill chart" compares all the great roller coasters head-to-head, including the world-famous Cyclone at Coney Island, the Steel Phantom at Kennywood in Pennsylvania, the Giant Dipper in Santa Cruz, California, and the Texas Giant in Arlington, Texas.
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Original price was: $50.00.$41.00Current price is: $41.00.
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Roller Coasters of America
Offers a brief history of the roller coaster, and describes rollercoaster rides found at amusement parks across America.

Transport Spaces: A Pictorial Review of Significant Interiors (Volume 1)
This publication examines pictorially the way architects have designed buildings to faciliate the movement of people and cargo around the globe. Included is an impressive array of spaces related to air, rail, road and shipping transport spaces. Designed by some of the world's leading architects, including Foster and Partners, Murphy/Jahn, NBBJ and Fentress Bradburn, these large-scale and complex projects are awesome examples of architect's skills and expertise.

Ultimate Garage Handbook
Every gearhead dreams of having a great garage-a clean, well-lit, functional place to work on cars, motorcycles, etc. And whether your garage is a simple workspace or a shrine to your toys, there's always something to improve. Inside Ultimate Garage Handbook you'll find tips on best utilizing your space and 16 step-by-step projects that will take your garage from average to ultimate and make you the envy of the neighborhood. Author Richard Newton-an ASE Master Technician and author of 101 Projects for Your Corvette 1984-1996, Corvette Restoration Guide 1963-1967, and How to Restore and Modify Your Corvette 1968-82-takes a real-world approach to each project, including cost, time, tools, skill level, and more. From lighting upgrades, flooring upgrades, and storage solutions to ways to incorporate special equipment like air compressors, heaters, blasting cabinets, and workbenches, Ultimate Garage Handbook is the perfect addition to the hands-on car aficionado's library.

Undiscovered Niagara
The Niagara region has internationally-known attractions centred in Niagara Falls and Niagara-on-the-Lake. However, most visitors often miss some of Niagara's other fascinating features. Undiscovered Niagara highlights some of those special places.