Showing 281–320 of 388 results

Snakes in the Cockpit: Images of Military Aviation Disasters
Formerly classified, restricted, and never-before published photographs combine to deliver this exciting assortment of incredible military flight mishaps. You've seen his extraordinary photos before in his best-selling book Gun Camera World War II (0-7603-1013-0). Now, after five years of intensive research, L. Douglas Keeney releases his latest treasury of photographs that serve as a window into the unfortunate circumstances military pilots occasionally encounter.

So, You Want to Be a Pilot, Eh? A Guidebook for Canadian Pilot Training
Ever thought of flying? Or, already doing your flight training and wondering how to get your first job? Join James Ball, licensed commercial pilot as he outlines essential information that you need to know to become a pilot in Canada.
* A thorough exploration into what pilots do
* An examination of the different routes to obtain your pilot licence
* Suggestions from numerous pilots to ensure success in your training
* An outline of the pros and cons of the most common first flying jobs for Canadian pilots
* Vital tips direct from Chief Pilots to help you obtain your first job as a pilot in Canada including essential job hunting, résumé and interview advice
* Strategies to help you excel at your first job
* Detailed hiring information on the various Canadian airlines
* An in-depth look at the different career options for Canadian pilots
* Important thoughts to consider when deciding if a career as a pilot is right for you
If you have always wondered what is involved in becoming a pilot or if you have already embarked on your flight training and are looking to advance your career, this book is for you.
Part of the Writing on Stone Press Canadian Career Series.
"If there ever was a time to become a pilot, the time is now. James Ball's book is a must read for those pining for the skies. So, You Want to be a Pilot, Eh? is a well researched, factual and easy to read book that will steer any aspiring pilot in the right direction." --Doug Morris - Air Canada pilot, Author: From the Flight Deck: Plane Talk and Sky Science

Sōkū No Shikaku / Super blue
Katsuhiko Tokunaga Hardcover 150 pages Out of Print. New old stock.

The Spitfire was the warbird on which the British pinned their airborne hopes during World War II. Covers the Spitfire's design and development, describes the variations built of the plane, and includes more than 100 historic photographs and first-hand accounts from Spitfire combat pilots.

Spitfire at War
The Spitfire was the most famous aircraft ever to serve in the Royal Air Force. It remained in production for twelve years which bracketted the hardest-fought and technically most innovatory war in history. When the last one rolled off the production line more than twenty-two thousand had been built. Never before, and rarely since, has an airframe design been so successfully, continuously, aggressively and thoroughly developed. At the end of its development life the Spitfire carried an engine giving more than twice the power and weighing about three-quarters more than the original, had its maximum speed increased by a quarter, its rate of climb almost doubled, its maximum take-off weight more than doubled and its fire-power increased by a factor of five. The Spitfire was unsurpassed as an air-superiority fighter for most of the nine years following its first flight and remained in front-line service in the Royal Air Force for a further nine years after that. In this book, the author has made an objective analysis of the Spitfire legend.The result is a unique account which casts new light not only on the Spitfire, but also on the nature of air combat during the Second World War. If you flew Spitfires or serviced them or even fought against them, or if you wish to learn what it was like to have done these things, then this is the book for you.

Spitfire: The History
Fully illustrated with B&W photographs, line drawings and colour markings. The most detailed reference work yet representing 25 years of research covering 71 related type numbers and information on more than 22,500 aircraft.

Spitfire: The Legend Lives On
This commemoration of the Spitfire aircraft illustrates the surviving airworthy examples of the Spitfire which have been restored, repainted in different squadron markings and camouflage colours, and continue to entertain thousands of spectators at airshows across Britain. This book is a follow-on from Spitfire: A Living Legend, and includes all the new aircraft that have subsequently been restored.

Stealth Fighter Pilot
A penetrating profile of the most elite pilots in the US Air Force - the men who fly the new generation fighter-bombers - the F-117A Stealth Fighters. Based on interviews with actual F-117 pilots, this book tells you what its like to fly and fight in the invisible black jet. Get all the details of the bases, the planes, and the day-to-day activities of these elite pilots.

Stealth: Deception, Evasion, and Concealment in the Air
Aircraft that no radar can find, that no missile can strike - it sounds life science fiction, but it is fast becoming a reality. Stealth, the most complete book yet produced on today's hottest aviation and military topic, describes the aircraft and the technology behind the most significant developments inaerial warfare since the jet engine and atomic weapons. It penetrates the cloud of secrecy, disinformation, and speculation to provide a detailed survey of the ingredients of this top-secret technology, its current uses, and its influence on the tactics of the 21st century.

Storms of Controversy: Secret Avro Arrow Files Revealed
The development of the Avro Arrow was a remarkable Canadian achievement. Its mysterious cancellation in February 1959 prompted questions that have long gone unanswered.
- What role did the Central Intelligence Agency play in the scrapping of the project?
- Who in Canada’s government was involved in that decision?
- What, if anything, did Canada get in return?
- Who ordered the blowtorching of all the prototypes?
- And, did Arrow technology find its way into the American Stealth fighter/bomber program?
Storms of Controversy answers these questions. Using never-before-released documents, the book exploded the myth that design flaws, cost overruns, or obsolescence had triggered the demise of the Arrow.

Storms of Controversy: The Secret Avro Arrow Files Revealed (3rd Edition)
New documents clarify the American government's role in the scandalous decision to scrap the Avro Arrow.
Not since the Spitfire of World War II has an aircraft single-handedly captured a nation's imagination, and no one has uncovered more new insights into this legendary aircraft than Palmiro Campagna. For this edition, Campagna has done just that, turning up new documents that further clarify John Diefenbaker's role in the Arrow cover-up, addressing Cabinet Minister Pierre Sevigny's mysterious claims in February 1998 about the destruction of the Arrow, and asking why, when the names of so many government officials appeared on the orders to kill the Arrow, Diefenbaker alone shouldered the blame.

Strategic Air Command
Lindsay T. Peacock Hardcover 128 pages Out of Print.

Stuka Ju-87
This is a pictoral and photographic history of one of the most famous dive-bomber aircraft, the Stuka Ju-87.
Content covers:
The Stuka Concept
Role, Tactics and techniques
Development and Production
Stuka Formations at War
The Night Harassment Wings
Rudel: the Stuka Ace

This book is a photo album of the famous German WWII dive-bomber in action from the outbreak of war to the final surrender in 1945. The book contains B&W photographs, line drawings, data and detailed captions.

Stukas, Jagdbomber, Schlachtflieger: Bildchronik der deutschen Nahkampfflugzeuge bis 1945
This is a German-language text that covers all dive bombers, fighter-bombers and attack aircraft used by the German airforce up to 1945. More than 40 types of aircraft and numerous sub-versions from World War II are covered. The book also looks at interesting weapon developments and aircraft projects.
Dieses Buch deckt alle bis 1945 von der deutschen Luftwaffe eingesetzten Tauchbomber, Jagdbomber und Angriffsflugzeuge ab. Es werden uber 40 Flugzeugtypen und zahlreiche Unterversionen aus dem 2. Weltkrieg behandelt. Das Buch befasst sich auch mit interessanten Waffenentwicklungen und Flugzeugprojekten.

Sun ‘n Fun: Florida’s Aviation Extravaganza
First held in 1974 as a regional fly-in by the Lakeland, Florida Chapter the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) for sport aviation enthusiasts, it was named the Mid-Winter Sun 'n Fun the following year and by 1978 the event had become the second largest fly-in in the USA In 1980 the event was held in March instead of January and the grow of the week-long fly-in began to escalate to the proportions which are described and illustrated in this book. The 10th anniversary Sun n Fun 1984 saw 480 show aircraft register and a general attendance of over 100,000 people for the first time. Permanent facilities for the fly-in at Lakeland airport were then starting to appear or enter the planning stages. The year 1988 saw yet another date change, this time to mid-April to take advantage of slightly better weather and improved accommodation for the many thousands of visitors who were now converging on Lakeland each year from every US State and 37 other countries world- wide. Sun n Fun is big, but not too big. It's still fun and, blended with traditional Southern hospitality, the event has rapidly established itself one of the world's premier aviation 'happenings'.

Super Carriers: U.S. Naval Air Power Today
This is a photographic history of American naval aircraft carriers.
This book covers: Top cats; SLUF: the magic war weapon; High-tech, low level aircraft: Prowlers and Intruders; Phantoms; Hawkeyes and Vikings; the personnel and the ships in port.

Supermarine Spitfire Restoration Manual: An Insight into Building, Restoring and Returning Spitfires to the Skies
The Spitfire remains one of the most iconic combat aircraft and to own an airworthy example is the Holy Grail for Warbird collectors. For an aircraft that first flew more than 70 years ago it may seem incongruous that there is a flourishing industry centred on this aircraft in the 21st century. Whether scratch-building or restoring an original Spitfire to airworthy condition, this is big business where aircraft change hands for several million pounds. Paul and Louise Blackah reveal what it takes to build or restore a Spitfire and return it to the skies.

Supermarine Spitfire: 1936 onwards (all marks) Owners’ Workshop Manual
The legendary Supermarine Spitfire receives the famous Haynes manual treatment with the full co-operation and authorization of the Royal Air Force. This is a unique guide for anyone wishing to own and operate a Spitfire, as well as a wonderful insight into the engineering and construction of this remarkable airplane; includes a developmental history of the aircraft, cutaway drawings, and the restoration and repair process . Presented mainly in color, this highly detailed and attractively designed manual is based around the restoration of the Spitfire Mk XVI at RAF Coningsby.

Superprops: Classic Flying Freighters
Osprey Publishing Hardcover 240 pages Out of Print. New old stock.

The Age of Invincible: The Ship that defined the modern Royal Navy
The story of HMS Invincible, a ship whose eventful life story, it is argued, embodies that of the Royal Navy itself during the second half of the 20th century and into the 21st. From her conception and design, through her various deployments (including the Falklands) and her evolving role and technical adaptation to meet changing strategic requirements, her fluctuating fortunes have been intertwined with those of the Royal Navy as a whole. Now, as a new breed of carriers is being commissioned to replace her, this thoroughly researched analysis of her career is the perfect platform from which to ask the important questions regarding the future role of the Royal Navy and Britain's place in the world.

The Air Combat Paintings of Robert Taylor
Volume One, first published in 1987, has sold more copies than any other aviation art book. Highlights include Return of the Few -- spitfires returning low over the English coast; Dambusters -- raids destroying the dams in Germany's Ruhr industrial heartland; and Last Moral Support -- a Hurricane fighter pilot accompanying a badly damaged comrade to safety.

The Airship VC
Ray Rimell's acclaimed biography of Lt. William Leefe Robinson who brought down the first German airship on British soil in WWI. Profusely illustrated, the life and career of the modest young airman is meticulously recorded with material and rare photos from the family archives.

The American Aircraft Factory in World War II
Few industrial phenomena have been as dramatic as the United States mid-20th-century shift from peacetime to wartime production. The American Aircraft Factory in World War II documents the production of legendary warbirds by companies like Boeing, North American, Curtiss, Consolidated, Douglas, Grumman, and Lockheed. It was a production unmatched by any other country and a crucial part of why the allies won the war.
Author Bill Yenne considers the prewar governmental acts that got the plants rolling, as well as the gender shift that occurred as women entered the work force like never before. He also describes the construction of mega-factories like Willow Run, factory design considerations, and the postwar conversion back to peacetime production. Illustrated with 175 period photographsincluding 50 rare color photos never before seen in print.

The Aviation/Space Dictionary (7th Edition)
This book provides information on a decade (1980s) of changes and advances in aerospace and its associated technologies.

The B-1 Bomber (2nd Edition)
Traces the history and development of the B-1 bomber, describes its weapons, controls, and design features, and discusses the future role of the aircraft.

The Balloonists: The History of the First Aeronauts
First published in 1966 as The Aeronauts: A History of Ballooning 1783-1903, this book is a complete history of balloons and the intrepid men who flew in them. Beginning in 1783, the year in which balloons first took flight, it ends in 1903, the year in which the Wright Brothers first heavier-than-air flight at Kittyhawk changed the history of aviation for ever. The exploits of balloonists attracted the attention and admiration of the masses like nothing before: within weeks of the first flights, its form featured in designs of wallpaper and fabrics, in jewels and on snuff boxes, and as balloon clocks and chandeliers. The aeronauts themselves became heroes of their time. From the first flight, by the Montgolfier brothers in a balloon of paper and cloth, through the first Channel crossing by air, showman aeronauts, female aeronauts, efforts to cross the Atlantic and the use of balloons in war, this is a wholly fascinating and riveting book. Lightly and entertainingly written, it includes lively extracts from journals and contemporary accounts, as well as engravings of the period. This new edition has a foreword by one of the foremost aeronauts of today, Don Cameron.

The C-130 Hercules: Tactical Airlift Missions, 1956-1975
Traces the history of the C-130 cargo plane and recounts its use in special airlift missions.

The Cessna 172
The Cessna 172, by Bill Clarke, contains a wealth of information on the most-produced aircraft in the world. Unless you're an owner though, or are looking to buy a Skyhawk -- sad to say, I am neither -- only the first two chapters are likely to be of great interest. These chapters cover a history of the 172 and its development, including year-by-year changes in the model; and specifications and 'book numbers' for performance figures for each year up to 1985. The performance numbers appear to be taken directly from the Pilots Operating Handbook for each model. The third chapter is all about engines, and is of interest to the general reader as well as the owner/buyer. The first three chapters make up almost half of the book. Other chapters provide information on how to go about determining which 172 to buy and what to look for, care and maintenance of your new ride, Airworthiness Directives (ADs) to 1984, available Supplemental Type Certificates (STCs) available for modifications and changes to that date, instruments and options, and more. This book is an excellent resource for Skyhawk owners.
For owners and non-owners, the illustrations are quite satisfying. Another book that is currently available has colour photos of each model of 172, but most of the examples had been repainted in non-original paint schemes. 'The Cessna 172' contains period photos that depict how the aircraft were painted upon leaving the factory, though all photos are in black-and-white except for the one on the cover of the book. As someone who is interested in originality, I appreciate seeing the aircraft as they were. There are photos of engines, instruments, interiors, options, and modifications -- including a chapter on 172 floatplanes. 'The Cessna 172' also has profile and planform drawings from the POH, and exploded views of components and systems from shop manuals.
In summary, the non-owner Cessna 172 fan will find plenty in this book to keep him or her entertained and informed. The owner, who one must assume is a really dedicated 172 fan, gets all of the historical information everyone will enjoy, AND great advice on ownership of the 172. This book belongs on the shelf of every Cessna 172/Skyhawk aficionado. Heck, it belongs in the library of anyone interested in General Aviation.

The DEC Schneider Trophy Race
The Coupe d'Aviation Maritime Jacques Schneider (commonly called the Schneider Trophy, Schneider Prize or Schneider Cup) was awarded annually to the winner of a race for seaplanes. The race was held eleven times between 1913 and 1931.
In 1981 the race was revived by the Royal Aero Club of Great Britain to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Britain's ultimate retention of the Trophy. Following that event, the computer company Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) independently decided to sponsor a long-term revival of the Schneider Trophy race series from 1984 until 1991.
This book highlights these modern races and the aircraft that competed.
Handicap air racing is unique to Britain: piston-engined aircraft up to a maximum weight, flown by pilots with a minimum number of hours as pilot in command, compete on an equal footing courtesy of the handicap system. When the event in this book was raced (1987) air racing in Britain was organized by a specialist section of the Royal Aero Club. These experts set the handicaps of the aircraft.
This book contains pictures of a broad cross-section of private (and military) piston-engined aircraft, during practice, during preparation and racing the race itself. It's the only occasion when up to fifty aircraft can be legally in the same section of airspace at the same time. And, of course, the tighter the handicap the closer they all are to each other at the finish, as some of the photos in this book make clear.
The book covers everything from a Stampe biplane to a Curtiss P-40 Kittyhawk. There are Beagle Pups in formation with their RAF Bulldog cousins. There are light aircraft such as ubiquitous Cessnas alongside exotic homemade creations such as Rutan LongEzes. And there is the panoply of a unique event that only occurs in Britain.
Aviation expert Mike Jerram and his then -publisher at Osprey, Dennis Baldry, do the honours with the camera and the narrative.

The Doolittle Raid: America’s Daring First Strike Against Japan
In April, 1942, President Roosevelt urged the military high command to prepare a devastating carrier-launch raid against the Japanese home islands. And the only person who dared to lead the mission was the best-known risk-taker in the U.S. Air Force, Lieutenant Colonel James H. Doolittle.
This book recaptures the World War II bombing raid over Tokyo under the command of Lt. Col. "Jimmy" Doolittle and the incredible seek-and-destroy mission that he and other American pilots endured after the bombing.
not rated
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The Flight: Charles Lindbergh’s Daring and Immortal 1927 Transatlantic Crossing
On the rainy morning of May 20, 1927, a little-known American pilot named Charles A. Lindbergh climbed into his single-engine monoplane, Spirit of St. Louis, and prepared to take off from a small airfield on Long Island, New York. Despite his inexperience, the twenty-five-year-old Lindbergh had never before flown over open water, he was determined to win the $25,000 Orteig Prize promised since 1919 to the first pilot to fly nonstop between New York and Paris, a terrifying adventure that had already claimed six men's lives. Ahead of him lay a 3,600-mile solo journey across the vast north Atlantic and into the unknown; his survival rested on his skill, courage, and an unassuming little aircraft with no front window.
Only 500 people showed up to see him off. Thirty-three and a half hours later, a crowd of more than 100,000 mobbed Spirit as the audacious young American touched down in Paris, having acheived the seemingly impossible. Overnight, as he navigated by the stars through storms across the featureless ocean, news of his attempt had circled the globe, making him an international celebrity by the time he reached Europe. He returned to the United States a national hero, feted with ticker-tape parades that drew millions, bestowed every possible award from the Medal of Honor to Time's "Man of the Year" (the first to be so named), commemorated on a U.S. postage stamp within months, and celebrated as the embodiment of the twentieth century and America's place in it.
Acclaimed aviation historian Dan Hampton's The Flight is a long-overdue, flyer's-eye narrative of Lindbergh's legendary journey. A decorated fighter pilot who flew more than 150 combat missions in an F-16 and made numerous transatlantic crossings, Hampton draws on his unique perspective to bring alive the danger, uncertainty, and heroic accomplishment of Lindbergh's crossing. Hampton's deeply researched telling also incorporates a trove of primary sources, including Lindbergh's own personal diary and writings, as well as family letters and untapped aviation archives that fill out this legendary story as never before.